UsabilityHub Testing

Aya Nakamura
2 min readApr 1, 2021

For this week, my group used UsabilityHub to conduct our first user testing of the productivity app wireframes. We presented specific shots of our wireframe and asked where they would tap to compete certain actions.

For our first prompt, we presented this screen and asked “How would you create a new goal?” Most responses showed us that it was clear that they were suppose to press the plus button to create a new task.

For our second prompt, we asked “How would you view your short term goals?”. This time, we got varying results which show us that the interface is not as clear as it need to be.

Overall, this experience of getting feedback from real people was very exciting for me and my group. I was particularly pleased with the speed at which we got the results back, only 45 minutes!

Some principles of design that we thought were relevant to the improvement of our design was:
Aesthetic-Usability Effect

